Solea Sa – Yoga Teacher / Singer & Prague Spirit Festival 2021
Circle of Mantras
I am sharing from my heart with you mantras which supported me on my journey. There are mantras from kundalini yoga tradition in gurmukhi language, mantras in sanskrit, english, spanish and slovak. Some of them I created the melody, some of them also the text. Ra ma da sa – is powerful healing mantra, stimulates the kundalini flow, brings balance into the core and energetic body and fullfill it with new energy. Ong namo gurudev namo – I bow to the creative wisdom, I bow to the Divine within. This mantra connects the Body, Mind and Spirit as one. We are tuning with this mantra to the infinite creative consciousness. Om Arunachala Om – it is devoted to the infinite Light which manifested as the mountain Arunachala. Suddhosi Buddhosi – by singing this mantra you’ll feel the heaviness dropping out from your mind and coming back to purity and Joy of Life. Rakhe Rakhana Har – this gurmukhi mantra is for protection. It helps if you are physically weak or have limited wealth. It is a victory song which helps to remove all the obstacles to fullfilling our destiny. Deep inside my heart – mantra coming from Rainbow gathering. Connects you with your heart and teaches you to stay open, loving and giving. Nech ti slnko svieti / May the long time sun / It is a wonderful Blessing for all of us and our journeys. It is the reminder that God is already in us, support us and loves us as we are. Now. Forever.
O Solee: Solea Sa
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