Nový rok Draka náš festival natolik rozjuchal, že jsme se jej celý rozhodli zasvětit aktivitám podporujícím naší ochranářskou podstatu. Hold vzdáváme šíření Tolerance, která je pro mírové a sattvické, tedy zdravě integrované fungování člověka nevyhnutelná.
14th annual Prague Spirit Festival 2024, Prague, Bohemia and the entire world.
The new Dragon year has inspired us so much that we have decided to dedicate our festival to activities purely supporting our protective quintessence. EXPANDING TOLERANCE is our core intention which is essential to the peaceful, sattvic and holistic health of our humankind.
The festival is dedicated to people who love meeting other people. Through culture: yoga, music and through the interest in yourself and the humankind and its possibilities. All you need is your kind heart, eyes and ears wide open to experience yourself through sessions that will give you energy to last throughout the day, year or a century. And don´t forget that WE BELONG TOGETHER.