sobota | saturday 16 3 2019
Rishikesh is a small town 250 kms north of Delhi from where Himalaya starts in the state of Uttarakhand.
It is known as “ Yoga Capital of the World“. The very reason is that Swami Shivananda from Rishikesh started sharing this knowledge of Yoga to General people from there in 1930’s as Yoga was not for General public that time and use to enter is one’s life in later stages. Later Many other great Saint Like Swami Rama, Swami Chidananda, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi from Rishikesh spread the knowledge of Yoga to all over the world and specially in west. It more came in limelight when World famous „Beatles Band“ came to Rishikesh in 1968 and stayed there for 1+ month and wrote many songs and prepare music along with there spiritual practices.
Now a days people from all over the world come to Rishikesh for there Yoga and other programs. Now there are more then 200 + schools/ ashrams etc who teach yoga of various styles. You can learn Yoga anywhere in India but Rishikesh has a spiritual touch in its teaching due to the environment and atmosphere there. Non Veg Food and Alcohal are totally legally banned there which also support the practice of Yoga specially learning time.Yoga is a journey from “ Out to In“ where Asan is an external side of it but Meditation is internal expect of Yoga. Where Asan makes you aware about Your Body and Meditation makes you aware about Mind and other aspects. We need to practice maximum aspects of yoga and not just Asan and Meditation. Even Asanas can be practiced as a Meditation.
EN | ALL LEVEL | | NEW TOWN HALL – BIG HALL | o8.oo – o9.oo | 400 CZK
neděle | sunday 17 3 2019
Yoga workshop | jógový workshop
Tantra is made of 2 different words. Tan and Tra. Tan means Body and Tra means Extension or liberation. So Tantra means such practice/ Technics where you go beyond the Physical existence of Yours. We are “ Body Conscious people“ so we believe in what we can experience or perceive easily. People talk about „Energy“ but not be able to understand about it in a complete manner on in Totality. Most of the time Male keep thinking about Females and Females keep thinking about males – Consciously or Unconsciously. So its easy for male to experience or feel female energy and for female to feel pr experience male energy. In Tantra physically male and female comes together in intimate positions and do some practices together to channelize there energy in Upwards direction. So its a very high end practice to feel the energy and channelize it in easy way. Here Shakti ( The Power) ( The Female) is the authority and govern all process. She is the Master.Male has to just follow the process and surrender to her. There are many different paths also in Tantra like Left handed or Right handed, but everything is not for everyone. We must be aware the path which suits us or first to know and understand our path as per our comfortablity and then proceed in that direction.
EN | ALL LEVEL | | místo-place SPACE4you | 18.oo – 2o.oo | 1000 CZK via SMSTICKET » na místě | on spot 1200 CZK
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