
Připravili jsme pro všechny jógové lektory speciální dvoudenní soustředění s Jessicou Stickler v Praze.

Půjde o intenzivní kurz rozvíjející dovednosti jógových lektorů.

Jessica Stickler je zkušenou školitelkou a učitelkou učitelů v jógové tradici Jivamukti a několikrát byla hostem Prague Spirit Festivalu.

YOGA SPIRIT CLUB – Continue & Educate Yourself with Jessica Stickler

· 2 Level Intense Yoga Teacher Programme

Saturday October 22nd
10.00 am – 12.00 pm
This workshop offers an integrated vinyasa practice along with some embodied anatomy. We will discuss some principles of anatomy and physiology and integrate that understanding into a delicious back banding practice. Whether you have difficulty or ease with these poses we will discover how understanding the mechanics of the body heightens our experience of asana practice. Expect a full, deep, sweaty Jivamukti practice intermixed with some practical excersizes to free your spine!

12.00 pm – 1.00 pm Lunch Break

1.00 pm – 4.00 pm
„The Language of the Asanas: A Workshop for sequencing yoga poses“
This workshop is for all practitioners and teachers of yoga, but will focus on the logic and poetry of sequencing. Learn how and why the poses go together in a particular way. Learn the optimal combination of poses to achieve your goals in practice. We will review some basic anatomy principles, cover guidelines for safe sequencing, and we will do some group and individual exsersizes to develop your sequencing method.
Again, it is open to all levels of practitioner but it is recommended that you take the morning class so that you have some reference point for the sequencing ideas.

Sunday October 23rd
10.00 am – 12.00 pm
„JANATOMY OF FREEDOM: Free Your Shoulders“
This workshop offers an integrated vinyasa practice along with some embodied anatomy. We will look at the role of the shoulders in Plank/Chatturanga, as well as in twists and binds. Whether you have difficulty or ease with these poses we will discover how understanding the mechanics of the body heightens our experience of asana practice. Expect a full, deep, sweaty Jivamukti yoga practice intermixed with anatomical info and some practical excersizes to free your shoulders!

12:00 pm – 1.00 pm Lunch Break

1.00 pm – 4.00 pm
“ The Art of Vinyasa: Fuel your Practice, Free your Mind!“
What is the importance of breath in the yoga practice? How do we link the movement and the breath together? Why are yogis so interested in the connection between breath and movement, and how will it affect my life? Learn the foundation and philosophy of vinyasa practice and practice its application to take your yoga practice to the next level. Get the most out of every class by perfecting these techniques.

v angličtině / In English

Místo / Place: Jógovna, Jindřišská. Prague –

Early Bird by September 30 th: 4.900 CZK
Price after September 30 th: 6.000 CZK

Registrace / Registration:
Více / More info:


Jessica has been teaching yoga since 2008, and has over 1000+ hours of training and education. She teaches Jivamukti yoga internationally, and serves as a mentor for teacher trainees in NYC. Classes integrate anatomical and intellectual precision with choreographic sequencing, music, as well as meditation and mindfulness practice.

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